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What A Life

It took me a moment before I realized that it’s another last day of the month. Which means, I’ll have to stop procrastinating for real this time and start writing down the monthly recap of what’s been going on in my life for the past 30 days to keep this little blog stays up to date.  Besides April is going way too fast—just like the other months before—I feel like I’ve got a mountain of things to share in my monthly journaling than ever before since a lot has happened to me this month. But don’t worry, I’m not gonna spill the whole story here. You know? Some stuff is better left unsaid, even if I’m feeling too lazy to list them all. :D First, I wanna let my future self know that unlike last month where we binged all the sixth Resident Evil sequels (including the latest one where is no Alice in it: Welcome to Racoon City) we don’t watch any movie at all this month. Well, not until I get to watch one today. Honestly, there’s a new Ryan Gosling movie called The Fall Guy that really g
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